Craniomandibular Dysfunction
Craniomandibular Dysfunction, Headache, Dizziness, Tinnitus – Clinical Reasoning, Differential Diagnosis & Safe Rehabilitation
Program Description:
The goal of this workshop is to provide participants with a well-structured clinical reasoning process to develop confidence and proficiency in assessing and treating patients with craniomandibular dysfunctions (TMDs).
Emphasis is placed on advancing clinical examination techniques, including assessments of the upper cervical spine, masticatory muscles, and the temporomandibular joint.
Participants will learn differential diagnosis techniques for clinical cases such as cervicogenic headache, cervicogenic dizziness, and somatosensory tinnitus.
The practical component includes specific assessment tests for the upper cervical spine and temporomandibular joint, palpation techniques, and manual therapy interventions following the educational standards set by the International Federation of Manual and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapists (IFOMPT).
For registration, please complete the form below:
Workshop Instructor
Evangelos P. Albanidis
PT, MSc, OMT, PhD candidate, Scientific Associate, University of Birmingham, UK, Clinical Mentor, Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (MACP) / OMT - Greece
View Full Bio Here
Number Γ.Ε.ΜΗ.: 177957101000
Educational Programs